Conférence de Montserrat Sanz Borras, chercheuse invitée LabexMed au LAMPEA jeudi 12 mars 2015 14h en salle 5 de la MMSH.
Cervids are relatively common taxa in Pleistocene archaeological and paleontological sites; yet, owing to a high degree of fragmentation, as well as their relatively homogeneous morphology and absence of diagnostic elements, deer systematics remains somewhat imprecise. The Haploidoceros mediterraneus is a clear example of this issue, only documented in two french sites (Middle Pleistocene) and recently in two spanish ones (Upper Pleistocene).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Nathalie Casanova (25 février 2015). Conférence The strange deer Haploidoceros mediterraneus: Identifyinng deer, a difficult issue in Pleistocene record. LabexMed. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse