Religious Landscape in Mediterranean Europe (14th – 19th century)

Du 1 au 5 octobre 2018 à l’ISSM-CNR de Naples.

Cet atelier d’études doctorales est le cinquième du cycle “History and Economy in the Mediterranean Countries” qui associe le Conseil National de la Recherche italien, l’Université de Barcelone, l’Institucio Milà Fontanals du CSIC  de Barcelone, l’Université of Suor Orsola Benincasa de Naples, l’Institut italien historique des Études Médiévales  et la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme – LabexMed, l’Université de Rouen  et l’Institut de l’Europe Méditerranéenne de Cagliari. 

The Landscape, understood as a space/fabric of communication, relationship and action, and as the constantly renewed materialization of historical processes resolved in its territorial organization, is inextricably linked to one’s own religious history. If, on the one hand, the natural environment attracts because of its position, configuration and history so as to introduce the choice of the place destined to become sacred, on the other, it is the environment itself to be marked and transformed by the religious presence, in a relationship that we could state as of mutual determination. Monasteries, convents, parish churches and votive shrines are some conspicuous elements of the religious and social landscape of Europe, tangible traces of the intangible circulation of ideas and people in the medieval and modern past. So, aware of the different issues that the binomial landscape-religion could reflect and mean, the seminar aims to analyze all the complex correlations that contribute to its construction: social, family and political relationships, assets linked to the economy of religious bodies and to parental networks, community life, the function and impact of liturgical and devotional practices, urban-architectural aspects, territorial organization, and the organizational complexity of parishes and dioceses over a long period of time.

Un appel à candidatures est lancé pour les doctorants qui souhaiteraient y participer (voir ci-dessous).

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Annabelle Gallin (29 juin 2018). Religious Landscape in Mediterranean Europe (14th – 19th century). LabexMed. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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